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10 Things To Pack For Your Trip

10 things to pack for your trip
You're Going On Vacation (Lucky You!) Packing Can Get Stressful, So We've Made It Easier For You. Here's A List Of 10 Things To Pack For Your Trip.

It’s time to pack for your trip, except you don’t know what to pack!

Packing can be extremely stressful, trust me – been there, done that hundreds of times. Because I’ve done it so much, I feel like I’ve almost mastered it (notice how I said almost – it’s still difficult at times!)

There’s always the question of what to pack and what not to pack. I used to pack a separate suitcase for my shoes alone – and that was for a 1 week trip! To make things easier for you, I’ve compiled a list.

10 Things To Pack For Your Trip:

1. Toiletries:

Does this really need an explanation? It’s important to stay hygienic!

2. Chargers:

You’re most likely going to be taking your phone and laptop on your trip, so it’s important they stay charged. I’d also suggest bringing a portable charger as they’re super compact and if you’re going to be taking loads of pictures throughout the day, the charger will definitely come in handy.

3. Clothing / Shoes:

Just like toiletries, this doesn’t need much of an explanation. I usually pack a few of each clothing item just so I have choices. On top of bringing a few shirts, pants, etc – I’d highly suggest packing different types of shoes. For example, if you’re going somewhere hot, don’t just pack sandals. It might rain or you might start getting blisters from that annoying thing in the middle of sandals, so bringing a pair of sneakers might come in handy!

4. Aspirins:

If you’re going to be traveling on a plane for a long time, you might start to feel ill during or after your flight. Think about it – you’re all in a confined space for a few hours… If someone is sick, unfortunately, you’re prone to catching it. Be prepared – aspirins are always good to have just in case.

5. Travel Pillow:

Whether your journey is 1 hour long or 10 hours long, you’ll want to ensure your comfy the whole way. Bring along a travel pillow – you can even get a blow up one that you can deflate and just leave in your purse!

6. Passport / ID:

Unless you’re traveling inside the country, you’re going to need a passport. If you’re bringing a passport, then make sure it’s not expiring while you’re on your trip. No matter where you’re traveling to, it’s essential you bring some sort of ID.

7. Camera:

Don’t worry if you don’t have some crazy expensive DSLR camera – Chances are your phone quality will do just fine!

8. A book or journal:

Let’s be real, you’re probably going to get bored during the actual traveling part. Bring a book or start writing in a journal to pass time on your flight, train, or car ride!

9. Money:

Not that you’d forget, but make sure you bring either a credit card or cash! If you’re traveling internationally, I’d suggest bringing most of your spending money in cash so you can exchange it to their currency.

10. Backpack or Purse:

When traveling around your destination, you won’t want to carry your suitcase with you and you definitely don’t want to hold everything in your hands for the whole city to see – so, bring some sort of bag with you, whether it’s a backpack, fanny pack, or a purse!

Hopefully this list helps you pack the essentials needed for your journey! We hope wherever you’re traveling, that you have a great time (p.s., don’t forget to sneak some snacks in your bag too!)

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